DMRG algorithm for the Hubbard model

The goal of this exercise is to implement the finite version of the DMRG algorithm for the one-dimensional Hubbard model. The Hamiltonian is:

H=-t\sum_{i, \sigma}\left(c^{\dagger}_{i, \sigma}c_{i, \sigma} + h.c.\right)+
U\sum_{i}n_{i, \uparrow}n_{i, \downarrow}

where c_{i, \sigma} is the destruction operator for an electron at site i and spin \sigma, and n_{i, \sigma}=c^{\dagger}_{i, \sigma}c_{i, \sigma}.


Decide by yourself what you want to calculate with this code.


The implementation is straighforward now. You have to write a model class which with the functions to set the Hamiltonian, block Hamiltonians, and operators to update. A possible implementation is:

class HubbardModel(object):
    """Implements a few convenience functions for Hubbard model.
    Does exactly that.
    def __init__(self):
        super(HubbardModel, self).__init__()
    def set_hamiltonian(self, system):
        """Sets a system Hamiltonian to the Hubbard Hamiltonian.
        Does exactly this. If the system hamiltonian has some other terms on
        it, there are not touched. So be sure to use this function only in
        newly created `System` objects.
        system : a System.
            The System you want to set the Hamiltonian for.
        if 'bh' in system.left_block.operators.keys():
        if 'bh' in system.right_block.operators.keys():
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('c_up', 'c_up_dag', 'id', 'id', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('c_up_dag', 'c_up', 'id', 'id', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('c_down', 'c_down_dag', 'id', 'id', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('c_down_dag', 'c_down', 'id', 'id', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'c_up', 'c_up_dag', 'id', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'c_up_dag', 'c_up', 'id', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'c_down', 'c_down_dag', 'id', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'c_down_dag', 'c_down', 'id', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'id', 'c_up', 'c_up_dag', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'id', 'c_up_dag', 'c_up', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'id', 'c_down', 'c_down_dag', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'id', 'c_down_dag', 'c_down', -1.)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('u', 'id', 'id', 'id', self.U)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'u', 'id', 'id', self.U)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'id', 'u', 'id', self.U)
        system.add_to_hamiltonian('id', 'id', 'id', 'u', self.U)
    def set_block_hamiltonian(self, system):
        """Sets the block Hamiltonian to the Hubbard model block Hamiltonian.
        system : a System.
            The System you want to set the Hamiltonian for.
        # If you have a block hamiltonian in your block, add it
        if 'bh' in system.growing_block.operators.keys():
            system.add_to_block_hamiltonian('bh', 'id')
        system.add_to_block_hamiltonian('c_up', 'c_up_dag', -1.)
        system.add_to_block_hamiltonian('c_up_dag', 'c_up', -1.)
        system.add_to_block_hamiltonian('c_down', 'c_down_dag', -1.)
        system.add_to_block_hamiltonian('c_down_dag', 'c_down', -1.)
        system.add_to_block_hamiltonian('id', 'u', self.U)
        system.add_to_block_hamiltonian('u', 'id', self.U)
    def set_operators_to_update(self, system):
        """Sets the operators to update to the ones for the Hubbard model.
        system : a System.
            The System you want to set the Hamiltonian for.
        # If you have a block hamiltonian in your block, update it
        if 'bh' in system.growing_block.operators.keys():
            system.add_to_operators_to_update('bh', block_op='bh')
        system.add_to_operators_to_update('c_up', site_op='c_up')
        system.add_to_operators_to_update('c_up_dag', site_op='c_up_dag')
        system.add_to_operators_to_downdate('c_down', site_op='c_down')
        system.add_to_operators_to_downdate('c_down_dag', site_op='c_down_dag')
        system.add_to_operators_to_update('u', site_op='u')

You also have to write a single site class for the electronic site, providing operators defined in the Hilbert space of the site:

class ElectronicSite(Site):
    """A site for electronic models
    You use this site for models where the single sites are electron
    sites. The Hilbert space is ordered such as:

    - the first state, labelled 0,  is the empty site,
    - the second, labelled 1, is spin down, 
    - the third, labelled 2, is spin up, and 
    - the fourth, labelled 3, is double occupancy.
    Postcond: The site has already built-in the spin operators for: 

    - c_up : destroys an spin up electron,
    - c_up_dag, creates an spin up electron,
    - c_down, destroys an spin down electron,
    - c_down_dag, creates an spin down electron,
    - s_z, component z of spin,
    - s_p, raises the component z of spin,
    - s_m, lowers the component z of spin,
    - n_up, number of electrons with spin up,
    - n_down, number of electrons with spin down,
    - n, number of electrons, i.e. n_up+n_down, and
    - u, number of double occupancies, i.e. n_up*n_down.

    def __init__(self):
        super(ElectronicSite, self).__init__(4)
	# add the operators
	# for clarity
        c_up = self.operators["c_up"]
        c_up_dag = self.operators["c_up_dag"]
        c_down = self.operators["c_down"]
        c_down_dag = self.operators["c_down_dag"]
        s_z = self.operators["s_z"]
        s_p = self.operators["s_p"]
        s_m = self.operators["s_m"]
        n_up = self.operators["n_up"]
        n_down = self.operators["n_down"]
        n = self.operators["n"]
        u = self.operators["u"]
	# set the matrix elements different from zero to the right values
	# TODO: missing s_p, s_m
        c_up[0,2] = 1.0
        c_up[1,3] = 1.0
        c_up_dag[2,0] = 1.0
        c_up_dag[3,1] = 1.0
        c_down[0,1] = 1.0
        c_down[2,3] = 1.0
        c_down_dag[1,0] = 1.0
        c_down_dag[3,2] = 1.0
        s_z[1,1] = -1.0
        s_z[2,2] = 1.0
        n_up[2,2] = 1.0
        n_up[3,3] = 1.0
        n_down[1,1] = 1.0
        n_down[3,3] = 1.0
        n[1,1] = 1.0
        n[2,2] = 1.0
        n[3,3] = 2.0
        u[3,3] = 1.0

The implementation of the DMRG algorithm itself has only minor changes with respect what you have done before:

def main(args):
    # create a system object with electron sites and blocks, and set
    # its model to be the Hubbard model.
    electronic_site = ElectronicSite()
    system = System(electronic_site)
    system.model = HubbardModel()
    # read command-line arguments and initialize some stuff
    number_of_sites = int(args['-n'])
    number_of_states_kept = int(args['-m'])
    number_of_sweeps = int(args['-s'])
    system.model.U = float(args['-U'])
    number_of_states_infinite_algorithm = 10
    if number_of_states_kept < number_of_states_infinite_algorithm:
	number_of_states_kept = number_of_states_infinite_algorithm
    sizes = []
    energies = []
    entropies = []
    truncation_errors = []
    system.number_of_sites = number_of_sites
    # infinite DMRG algorithm
    max_left_block_size = number_of_sites - 3
    for left_block_size in range(1, max_left_block_size + 1):
	energy, entropy, truncation_error = ( 
		                      number_of_states_infinite_algorithm) )
	current_size = left_block_size + 3
    # finite DMRG algorithm
    states_to_keep = calculate_states_to_keep(number_of_states_infinite_algorithm, 
    half_sweep = 0
    while half_sweep < len(states_to_keep):
	# sweep to the left
        for left_block_size in range(max_left_block_size, 0, -1):
	    states = states_to_keep[half_sweep]
            energy, entropy, truncation_error = ( 
                system.finite_dmrg_step('right', left_block_size, states) )
	half_sweep += 1
	# sweep to the right
	# if this is the last sweep, stop at the middle
	if half_sweep == 2 * number_of_sweeps - 1:
	    max_left_block_size = number_of_sites / 2 - 1
        for left_block_size in range(1, max_left_block_size + 1):
            energy, entropy, truncation_error = ( 
                system.finite_dmrg_step('left', left_block_size, states) )
	half_sweep += 1
    # save results
    output_file = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(args['--dir']), args['--output'])
    f = open(output_file, 'w')
    zipped = zip (sizes, energies, entropies, truncation_errors)
    f.write('\n'.join('%s %s %s %s' % x for x in zipped))
    print 'Results stored in ' + output_file

See a full implementation of the above code. To learn how to run this code you can use:

$ ./solutions/ --help
Implements the full DMRG algorithm for the S=1/2 TFIM.

Calculates the ground state energy and wavefunction for the
Ising model in a transverse field for a chain of spin one-half. The
calculation of the ground state is done using the full DMRG algorithm,
i.e. first the infinite algorithm, and then doing sweeps for
convergence with the finite algorithm.

Usage: (-m=<states> -n=<sites> -s=<sweeps> -H=<field>) [--dir=DIR -o=FILE] -h | --help

  -h --help         Shows this screen.
  -n <sites>        Number of sites of the chain.
  -m <states>       Number of states kept.
  -s <sweeps>       Number of sweeps in the finite algorithm.
  -H <field>        Magnetic field in units of coupling between spins.
  -o --output=FILE  Ouput file [default: tfim.dat]
  --dir=DIR         Ouput directory [default: ./]