How to use the tutorial

Each of the exercises is more or less self-content, but ideally you will do them in order as the last exercises require more familiarity with the code.

You are supposed to write some code on your own and then run it to finish the exercises. Obviously you don’t have to write the whole code on your own, you are supposed to use the functions that we already coded within the dmrg101 package. As each of you have a different set of programming skills, the amount of guidance you need to complete the exercises will be different in each case.

We provide a complete implementation of the code needed for each exercise, so nobody gets stuck in the programming part. Just find your pace and use the solution and hints as much as you need it. Remember that this is not a course on programming, but on physics, so focus in understanding the algorithm and the physical ideas behind it.

If you installed dmrg101, you have a copy of all the solution for the exercises. Just check now that everything is there:

$ cd tutorial
$ ls

We recommmend that you don’t overwrite these files, so you have always a code for the exercise that works. If you want to use the solution as an starting point for you own coding, just make a new folder and copy the solution in there.

Let’s start!